Friday, August 30, 2019
China Insurance Market Outlook to 2016 – Driven by Automobile Insurance Market
1  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 3. Asia-Pacific Insurance Industry Industry Introduction Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Size by Direct Written Premium, 2005-2012P Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Segmentation 1. 3. 1. By Geography, 2005-2012P 1. 3. 2. By Life and Non Life, 2005-2012P 1. 4. Asia-Pacific Insurance Industry Future Outlook 1. 4. 1. By Geography, 2013-2016 3. 3. 1. 3. 2. 4. 5. 5. 1. 5. 2. 5. 3. 5. 4. 6. 6. 1. 7. 7. 1.China Insurance Industry China Insurance Value Chain China Insurance Market Size by Direct Written Premium, 2005-2012 China Insurance Government Regulations China Life Insurance Market China Life Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 China Life insurance Claim Paid, 2005-2012 Market Share of Major Life Insurers in China, 2012 China Life Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 China Non-Life Insurance Market China Non-Life Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 Non-Life Insurance Segmentation, 2005-2012 China Property and Casualty Insurance Industry 7. 1. 1. China Property and Casualty Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. . 2. China Property and Casualty insurance Claim Paid, 2005-2012 7. 1. 3. Property and Casualty Insurance Segmentation, 2005-2012 7. 1. 4. Market Share of Major Property and Casualty Insurers in China, 2012 2  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied 7. 1. 5. China Property and Casualty Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 20132016 7. 2. China Motor Insurance Industry 7. 2. 1. China Motor Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 2. 2. China Motor Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 3. China Commercial Property Insurance Industry 7. 3. 1.China Commercial Property Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 3. 2. China Commercial Property Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 4. China Agricultural Insurance Industry 7. 4. 1. China Agricultural Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 4. 2. China Agricultural Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 5. China Liability Insurance Industry 7. 5. 1. China Liability Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 5. 2. China Liability Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 6. China Credit Insurance Industry 7. 6. 1. China Credit Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 6. 2.China Credit Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 7. China Accident Insurance Industry 7. 7. 1. China Accident Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 7. 2. China Accident Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 8. China Cargo Insurance Industry 7. 8. 1. China Cargo Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 8. 2. China Cargo Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 9. China Health Insurance Industry 7. 9. 1. China Health Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 9. 2. China Health insurance Claim Paid, 2005-2012 3  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research a nd should not be copied . 9. 3. China Health Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 10. Market Share of Major Non Life Insurers in China, 2011 7. 11. China Non-Life Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 8. 9. China Insurance Industry Trends and Developments China Insurance Industry Future Projections, 2013-2016 9. 1. Cause and Effect Relationship Between Dependent and Independent Factors Prevailing in China Insurance Market 10. Company Profile of Major Players in China Life Insurance Industry 10. 1. China Life Insurance 10. 1. 1. Company Profile 10. 1. 2. Business Strategies 10. 1. 3.Financial Performance 10. 2. Ping An Life Insurance 10. 2. 1. Company Profile 10. 2. 2. Business Strategies 10. 2. 3. Financial Performance 10. 3. New China Life Insurance 10. 3. 1. Company Profile 10. 3. 2. Business Strategies 10. 3. 3. Financial Performance 11. Company Profile of Major Players in China Non-Life Insurance Industry 11. 1. Public Insurance Compan y of China (PICC) 11. 1. 1. Company Profile 11. 1. 2. Business Strategies 11. 1. 3. Financial Performance 11. 2. China Pacific Insurance (CPIC) 4  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied 11. 2. 1. Company Profile 11. 2. 2.Business Strategies 11. 2. 3. Financial Performance 12. China Insurance Industry Macro-Economic Indicators: Historical and Projections 12. 1. China Population, 2005-2016 12. 2. GDP of China, 2005-2016 12. 3. Healthcare Expenditure of China, 2005-2016 12. 4. Total Vehicle in Use in China, 2007-2016 13. Appendix 13. 1. Market Definitions 13. 2. Abbreviations 13. 3. Research Methodology Data Collection Methods Approach Variables (Dependent and Independent) Multi Factor Based Sensitivity Model Final Conclusion 13. 4. Disclaimer 5  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied LIST OF FIGURESFigure 1: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012P Figure 2: As ia-Pacific Insurance Market Segmentation by Life and non Life on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2005-2012P Figure 3: Insurance Value Chain Figure 4: China Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 5: China Life Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 6: China Life Insurance Market Claim Paid on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 7: Market Share of Major Life Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2012 Figure 8: China Life Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 9: China Non Life Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 10: China Non life Insurance Market Segmentation by Property and Casualty and Health Insurance on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2005-2012 Figure 11: Chin a Property and Casualty Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 12: China Property and Casualty Insurance Market Claim Paid on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 13: China Property and Casualty Insurance Market Segmentation by Motor, Commercial Property, Agricultural, Liability, Credit, Accident, Cargo and Others Insurance on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2005-2012 Figure 14: Market Share of Major Property and Casualty Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2012 Figure 15: China Property and Casualty Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 6  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied Figure 16: China Motor Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 17: China Motor Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Writ ten Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 18: China Commercial Property Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 19: China Commercial Property Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013 -2016 Figure 20: China Agricultural Insurance MarketSize on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 21: China Agricultural Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 22: China Liability Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 23: China Liability Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 24: China Credit Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 25: China Credit Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 26: China Accident Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 27: China Accident Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 28: China Cargo Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 29: China Cargo Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 30: China Health Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 7  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copiedFigure 31: China Health Insurance Market Claim Paid on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 32: China Health Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 33: Market Share of Major Non Life Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2011 Figure 34: China Non life Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 35: China Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 36: China Life Insurance Net Written Premium of China Life Insurance Company in USD Million, 2006-2012 Figure 37: China Life Insurance Premium Income of Ping An Life Insurance in USD Million, 2008-2012 Figure 38: China Life Insurance Premium Income of New China Life Insurance in USD Million, 2006-2012 Figure 39: China Life Insurance Premium Income of Public Insurance Company of China in USD Million, 2005-2011 Figure 40: China Life Insurance Gross Written Premium of China Pacific Insurance in USD Million, 2008-2011 Figure 41: China Population in Million, 2005-2016 Figure 42: GDP of China in USD Million, 2005-2016 Figure 43: Healthcare Expenditure of China in USD Million, 2005-2016 Figure 44: Total Vehicle in Use in China in Million, 2007-2016 8  © This i s a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied LIST OF TABLESTable 1: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Segmentation by Countries on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Billion, 2005 -2012P Table 2: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Segmentation by Life and Non Life on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Billion, 2005 -2012P Table 3: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Projections by Countries on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Table 4: Market Share of Major Life Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2012 Table 5: Market Share of Major Property and Casualty Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2012 Table 6: Market Share of Major Non Life Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2011 Table 7: Cause and Effect Relationship Analysis between Industry Factors and Expected Industry Prospects of China Insurance Market Table 8: Correlation Matrix of China Insurance Indust ry Table 9: Regression Coefficients Output of China Insurance Industry 9  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied ASIA-PACIFIC INSURANCE MARKET SIZE BY DIRECT WRITTEN PREMIUM, 2005-2012P The insurance market in Asia-Pacific region has grown remarkably over the past few years due to the growth in the emerging markets such as China, Japan, India, Australia, Taiwan and South Korea. The countries in the Asia-Pacific region are at different stages of economic development unlike the European countries and the US which has created significant opportunities for the insurers in the region in order to serve the financial needs of the customers.The market in the region has grown at a CAGR of 11. 9% from USD ~ million in 2005 to USD ~million in 2012†¦ Figure: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012P 16,00,000. 0 14,00,000. 0 12,00,000. 0 USD Million 10,00,000. 0 8,00,000. 0 6,00,000. 0 4,00,000. 0 2 ,00,000. 0 0. 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012P 10  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied ASIA-PACIFIC INSURANCE MARKET SEGMENTATION BY GEOGRAPHY, 2005-2012P Asia-Pacific insurance industry is majorly contributed by 6 major countries such as Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, India and Australia with the share of ~% in 2012.Japan insurance market is the second largest in the world with the contribution of more than ~% in 2012†¦. The China insurance industry is China insurance industry is one of one of the predominant markets in the insurance industry the predominant markets in the in the Asia-Pacific region with a contribution of ~% of the insurance industry in the AsiaPacific region with a contribution direct written premium in the region in 2012†¦ South Korea is the third largest market with a contribution of ~% in 2012. The country insurance sector is more complicated with limited growth opportunities in comparison with the gro wing market in the region such as China and India†¦ of ~% of the direct written premium in the region in 2012.Table: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Segmentation by Countries on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Billion, 2005-2012P Countries Japan China South Korea Taiwan India Australia Hong Kong Singapore Thailand Malaysia 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012P 11  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied Indonesia New Zealand Philippines Vietnam Pakistan Kazakhstan Bangladesh Sri Lanka Total 12  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied CHINA INSURANCE INDUSTRY CHINA INSURANCE MARKET SIZE BY DIRECT WRITTEN PREMIUM, 2005-2012 The Chinese insurance industry has seen rapid expansion during 2005-2012 and will continue to see high growth rates in the next few years.The insurance market in the country has witnessed a compound annual growth rate of ~% in the last seven years and has recorded direct written premiu m of USD ~ million in 2012†¦ Figure: China Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 3,00,000. 0 2,50,000. 0 USD Million 2,00,000. 0 1,50,000. 0 1,00,000. 0 50,000. 0 0. 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Note:Life Insurance is in Premium Income Non-Life Insurance is in Premium Income 13  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied CHINA LIFE INSURANCE MARKET CHINA LIFE INSURANCE CLAIM PAID, 2005-2012 China life insurance industry has paid a claim of USD 20,128. million in 2011 due to an occurrence of natural disaster in mainland China in the first half of 2011. China has been the world’s most existing marketplace for global insurers for a decade and it looks set to retain its status in the near future. The country life insurance industry has experienced an incline in claim paid from USD ~ million in 2010 to USD ~ million in 2011†¦. . Figure: China Life Insurance Market Claim Paid on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 25,000. 0 20,000. 0 USD Million 15,000. 0 10,000. 0 5,000. 0 0. 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Note:Life Insurance is in Premium Income 14  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copiedMARKET SHARE OF MAJOR LIFE INSURERS IN CHINA, 2012 China life insurance industry is a concentrated market with top five players contributing around ~% of the total life insurance direct written premium in 2012. China life is the leading player in China life insurance industry with the contribution of approximately ~% of the total direct written premium of the life insurance industry in China in 2012†¦. Figure 1: Market Share of Major Life Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2012 China Life shares Ping An Life New China Life CPIC Life PICC Life Taikang TPL (Taiping Life) Sino Life Others Note: Life Insurance is in Premium IncomeTable: Market Share of Major Life Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2012 Players China Life shares Ping An Life New China Life 2012 15  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied CPIC Life PICC Life Taikang TPL Sino Life Others Total Source: Insurance Association of China and Ken Research Note:Life Insurance is in Premium Income CHINA NON-LIFE INSURANCE MARKET NON-LIFE INSURANCE SEGMENTATION, 2005-2012 The country non life insurance market is dominated by property and casualty segment with the contribution of ~% in 2012†¦ The motor vehicle is the leading contributor in property and casualty segment China non life insurance market is dominated by property and with the share of around ~% in 2012.The motor vehicle casualty segment with the insurance is divided into two types such as compulsory contribution of ~% in 2012. liability and voluntary insurance. The second largest contributor in property and casualty segment is property with the share of approximately ~% in 201 2 followed by agricultural insurance with the share of ~% in 2012. The health insurance market contributes ~% of the non life insurance industry in China in 2012. The private health insurance coverage in the country has expanded and now it covers approximately ~% of China’s population. The health insurance coverage in the country has grown at an impressive rate of ~% annually over the past 10 years.The number of health insurance plan in the country has also increased from around ~ in 2008 to over ~ in 2011. 16  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied Figure 2: China Non life Insurance Market Segmentation by Property and Casualty and Health Insurance on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2005-2012 100. 0% 90. 0% 80. 0% 70. 0% 60. 0% 50. 0% 40. 0% 30. 0% 20. 0% 10. 0% 0. 0% 2005 2006 Health Note:Non-Life Insurance is in Premium Income In Percentage % 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Property and Casualty CHINA PROPERTY AND CASUALTY I NSURANCE INDUSTRY CHINA PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE CLAIM PAID, 2005-2012The Chinese property and casualty insurance industry has paid USD ~ million claims in 2011 in which approximately USD ~ was paid in August 2011 which was recorded as the highest claim paid in the year†¦ In 2009, the combined ratio of property and casualty insurance industry has improved to ~% and this positive trend in the market is accelerated in 2010 and in the first half of 2011 in which the industry has recorded the combined ratio of ~% and ~% respectively for the top three insurers in the country which include PICC, Ping An Property and Casualty and CPIC Fiscal. 17  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied Figure: China Property and Casualty Insurance Market Claim Paid on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 50,000. 0 45,000. 0 40,000. USD Million 35,000. 0 30,000. 0 25,000. 0 20,000. 0 15,000. 0 10,000. 0 5,000. 0 0. 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 20 09 2010 2011 2012 Note:Property and Casualty Insurance is in Premium Income CHINA MOTOR INSURANCE INDUSTRY CHINA MOTOR INSURANCE MARKET FUTURE OUTLOOK AND PROJECTION, 2013-2016 †¦The country automobile insurance market is expected to earn direct written premium of USD ~ million in 2016 which is up from USD ~ million in 2011. This is due to an expected increase in the car ownership in the country as there are only 35 million cars for the population of ~ billion in 2011. 18  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copiedFigure: China Motor Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 1,80,000. 0 1,60,000. 0 1,40,000. 0 USD Million 1,20,000. 0 1,00,000. 0 80,000. 0 60,000. 0 40,000. 0 20,000. 0 0. 0 2013 Note:Motor Insurance is in Premium Income 2014 2015 2016 19  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied ASIA-PACIFIC INSURANCE INDUSTRY FUTURE OUTLOOK †¦Overall, the market of the Asia-Pacific insurance is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11. 2% from 2013-2016. The market in the near future is expected to witness consolidation and higher competition level with the entrance of more global players in the market†¦ ASIA-PACIFIC INSURANCE INDUSTRY FUTURE PROJECTIONSBY GEOGRAPHY, 2013-2016 The Asia-Pacific Insurance industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11. 2% from 2013-2016 on account of rising population in the emerging market of Asia such as India and China. It is anticipated that the total direct written premium of the insurance products will increase to USD ~ million in 2016 from USD ~ million in 2012. Table: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Projections by Countries on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Countries Japan China South Korea Taiwan India Australia Hong Kong Singapore Thailand 2013 2014 2015 2016 20  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copiedMalaysia Indonesia New Zealand Philippines Vietnam Pakistan Kazakhstan Bangladesh Sri Lanka Total CHINA INSURANCE INDUSTRY FUTURE PROJECTIONS, 2013-2016 In the base case scenario analysis the insurance industry in the country is expected to grow at a phenomenal rate of 17. 7% in the next four years and is predicted to record the direct written premium of USD ~ million in 2016†¦ The worst case scenario analysis assumes that the country insurance market is anticipated to grow at a marginal rate of 6. 9% from 2013-2016 in comparison to the historical years†¦ The best case scenario analysis predicts the remarkable growth of 28. 5% in the next five years.The country’s insurance market is expected to record direct written premium of USD ~ million by 2016. 21  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied Figure: China Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 8,00,000. 0 7,00,000. 0 6,00,000. 0 USD Million 5,00,000. 0 4,00,000. 0 3,00,00 0. 0 2,00,000. 0 1,00,000. 0 0. 0 2013 Worst Case Note:Life Insurance is in Premium Income Non-Life Insurance is in Premium Income 2014 Base Case 2015 Best Case 2016 22  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEPENDENT AND INDEPENDENT FACTORS PREVAILING IN CHINA INSURANCE MARKETTable: Cause and Effect Relationship Analysis between Industry Factors and Expected Industry Prospects of China Insurance Market Industry Factors Strict Government Regulations and Support Increasing Population Market Impact Comments ? Cause: ? Positive Effect: ? Cause: ? Effect: ? Cause: ? Effect: ? Cause: ? Positive Effect: ? Negative Effect: Increasing Consumer Spending Intensifying Competition DISCLAIMER No part of this manual or any material appearing may be reproduced, stored in or transmitted on any other Web site without written permission of Ken Research and any payments of a specified fee. Requests to republish any material may be sent to us. 23  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied
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