Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Safeway Inc. K And Financial Ratios - 2723 Words
ACC 381 – FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING - LENDECKY Analysis of Safeway Inc. 10-K and Financial Ratios with comparison to Whole Foods Inc. Jonathan Roberts 8/12/2014 Safeway 2013 10-K: Safeway 2012 10-K: Safeway 2011 10-K: Whole Foods 2013 10-K: Whole Foods 2012 10-K: Whole Foods 2011 10-K: Section I – Summary of Safeway and Grocery Industry at large Safeway Inc. produces and sells grocery and home goods throughout the United States and, until recently, Canada. Safeway endeavors to be a full service, neighborhood grocery and operates stores in the Safeway, Randall’s, and Tom Thumb chains, among others. The company also produces its own store brands, operates coffee shops, specialty departments, a prepaid gift card company, and retail fuel services. Safeway also carries out the warehousing and distribution activities necessary to support their core business. The grocery industry is known for slim margins and intense competition. Individual stores balance on the razor’s edge because small changes in sales have large effects on the balance sheet. â€Å"Green†grocers, typified by Whole Foods, appear to escape some of this intense competition. The following analysis will compare Safeway, a more typical grocer, to Whole Foods, arguably the originator of the boutique green grocery store. Analysis of Safewayâ€℠¢s 10-Ks reveals a company attempting to reinventShow MoreRelatedGreat aP Essay2288 Words  | 10 Pagesits key competitors: Albertson’s, Inc., the Kroger Co., Safeway, Inc. and Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. Additionally, AP considers Wal-Mart to be a rising competitor. c) Suggest two weaknesses/risks of AP’s current business model. AP’s current model is dependent on high volume and rapid inventory turnover in order to combat the low profit margins in the highly competitive market. 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